Resolutions don't work for me. I'm more of a do-er when it comes to making changes. I just start doing, and try to keep doing. So, today, I'm blogging. Probably because I need to be working on a presentation I am giving in, oh, 12.5 hours. Oh, and because I found this the other day:
It's dated December 5-14, 2011. So, just over a year ago. My favorite part is that
'overhead squats' is marked through and 'snatch' is written in. This is because I wasn't sure which was which. Yeah. I was such a cute little baby cross fitter.
I started this blog because I was disappointed that I couldn't find anything showing me how women who started from almost completely inactive progressed. Then, I was/am horrible about updating, but at least there's a 1 year frame of reference, I guess.
Movement 2011 2012
Clean 60 110
Snatch 35 80
OHSq 25 83
Jerk 65 115
BSq 145 (finally, body weight!)
Dead 120 173
FSq 135
Pushups - knees to a solid 10+ real push ups
PullUps - 10+ unassisted kipping, still no strict though. Yes. Over a year later and no strict pull up.
Double Unders - best ever yesterday! 30-40 unbroken in a Wod, after some substantial work
Wall Balls - Ugh. I went from an 8 # ball to the 9 ft line, to a 14# ball, but very inconsistent to the 10 foot line, and ugly squats too. I think I need to just suck up my pride and use the 12 # and master the squat.
Handstand push ups - I recently got the kip (woohoo) with two abmats. One abmat, one push up. I HAVE to have this before the open. Why? I don't know, I just feel like I should. But unless I somehow manage to lose 20 lbs without getting any weaker (or I don't know, dying!) I don't know. We'll see.
Ring Dips - these are just stupid. They are pretty much the only thing I go from doing one (with a band) to um, yeah, not happening AT ALL still. There's no maybe, it's just done.
Diet - Did 90 days paleo. The physical result in the end was awesome (see pics). But, I'm a great dieter, not a great lifer. So, started again a few days ago and we'll see how it goes. I got to feeling pretty yucky toward the end of the last challenge (I think I wasn't eating enough) so I'm trying to not let that happen again.
So, there you have it. An update! Maybe I'll be more consistent. Or not. Who knows?