That's me - #993. The number in parentheses is my score, and the number outside is my place in the region. The third and best score was a repeat WOD from last year, involving wall balls, double unders, and for some, muscle ups. It's the score that intrigues me the most, because I thought the wallballs and double-unders were a given for most - though I finished them with a mere 2 seconds left. The wallballs were probably the first RX ones I've done to depth.
It's just too easy to cheat squats )-: The final WOD included some dandy chest to bar pull ups. Of which I got 2. I'm okay with that. I missed 3 due mostly to a rip on my hand. I imagine that one will come soon.
So that's where I am now. I've had a slow few weeks since, with lots of rest days (not intentionally) and a few really good workouts. So now, where do I go from here. I'm not one to just do okay on things which is where I'd say I am now. But, I can't help but wonder how much can I improve in a year? How do I optimize my growth, or do I just workout and have fun?
I feel kind of silly thinking I could even get "good" at this, but is it worth a shot?