Day 1 - Not as impressed as I could be, but I think it's user knowledge, and app development, more than the watch.
Basic notes:
I did a 1000 M row warm up, with an eye on "calories". Based on Consumer Reports review of the Watch, the calories should be pretty on target...which confirms the fact that the Concept 2 is WAY off.
Watch - 20 calories
Rower - 57 calories
Not caring about calories - priceless. (-:
Interestingly, my heart rate was 130 after doing a moderate warm up with the row, PVC work, kb swings and push ups. I didn't feel taxed.
I then did 5 x 3 quick squat snatches, at 75%. Now, I get that this might be more of a heart rate boost if my 75% were 100 plus pounds, but at 65#, I was hitting around 113 bpm with each set. Using the Workout app, you can choose to see heart rate, calories, or time elapsed. It's pretty easy to just raise your arm and see the # or just work out and review the data after.
Negative - the heart rate tracking is supposedly pretty accurate, but it only takes it every 15 seconds or so. And a quick power lift doesn't take too long. Additionally, if you know more about science than I do, and want to measure your recovery in quick time, it could be a challenge.
I have tender sensitive baby wrists, and typically do a set or two with no wrist wraps, and then add them. I tried moving the watch above the wraps, and I didn't feel like the reading was accurate (it was still skin to skin, just high on my wrist. I then moved it to where it was closer to my hand, and got more variation in the numbers. I suggest more toward the hand, but again, my weight is less than many, and it may just get in the way.
I figured 7 Minutes of Burpees would be a decent wod so far as heart rate goes, and it was day 3, last bit before a needed rest day, so I didn't want to push a barbell wod. I worked steadily (unbroken for the full 7 minutes) and hit 141 bpm in the first 15 seconds, but hung out between 130-120. I feel like that's lower than I'd like, but my speed was impacted by Annie on Monday soreness, and it might have kept my met con down.
So far as watch goes - at some point, my grunting must have sounded like Siri, because she popped up and I couldn't see the time toward the end. (Dumb on my part, should have set another timer!) So I ended up trying to swipe and change while burpee-ing. That was annoying. Maybe there's a way to lock the screen and I just haven't found it yet, but if not, I'd like that.
FTR - I did 89 burpees. Dang swiping.
There has to be a better presentation of information, or a better app to use alongside Workout. I need a pie chart or something. If anyone knows of anything, let me know.
I like the visual feedback during a Wod, but the end data presentation is bleh. I feel like it measured what I'd like measured for the most part, but I look forward to development of CrossFit centric third party apps. Right now, it shows up as only "other" and theres a lot of progress to be made there.