Monday, March 26, 2012

Front Squats and other Crazy Stuff

Wow, sorry it has been so long!  I will go with the "I was so busy with the whole Open thing, that I didn't have time to blog" excuse.  However, since I wasn't even registered....I'm not sure that will fly.

I'll try to come back and fill in some stuff, but for today:

Front Squat 1x1x1x1x1x1x1  = #120
I don't know what my 1rm was before, but I'm pretty certain it was nowhere near 120#.

17 something for this absurd workout:

1000 M Row
75 Wall Balls (scaled to 12 to 9'.  Supposed to be 14# to 10', but because I can only get 14 to the 9' I used 12....didn't help much)
50 HRPU (otherwise known as hell on earth at this point.   on my knees, crying, trying to get 3 at a time)
250 M Row (easy peasy after those freaking pushups)
