Why Elliptical to Elite...

This is how he grows: by being defeated, decisively,
by constantly greater beings.
-- Rainer Maria Rilke

Since I've begun my Crossfit  journey, I've been on the lookout for blogs that I can relate to.  You know, one with a girl who started from barely being able to do a push up on her knees to RXing Xfit WODs in three months time....or maybe 3 years.  Alas, even the most pansy beginners I can find were athletes to begin with…or at least  they have a good amount of strength simply from carrying around life.  So, the idea for a blog was born.

July 2011
My husband has been a Crossfit dabbler for a few years now.  He tried to persuade me to join him, but I resisted, believing I was too weak.   Then, during his recent deployment, after a few months of "body work" on my part, my interest was piqued by one of my coworkers.  Aside from having exceptionally motivating arms,  she was really good at the "Everything can be scaled!  Even a pansy can do it!" speech - though there's a good chance she may have used slightly different words.   So, the stars began aligning July 2011.

I had already lost weight using a mixture of Weight Watchers, 4 Hour Body and the Elliptical. I went from 157 down to 137, or less on a really good day.   So, despite my blog name, I'm not anti-elliptical.  It was a great catalyst and as my quote above says, it was initially a great being to conquer.   But once I decided to make a lifestyle change, I knew a couple hours a week on that machine wasn't going to cut it.  With a friend's encouragement, in September,  I joined a Boot Camp run by an awesome military spouse, and started training to "try" Xfit, lol!  Yes, I had to train in order to get myself ready to workout. Thing is, I kind of love the hour long torture session, in contrast to the shorter bursts of torture Crossfit provides, and so I've stuck with that, too.  

September 2011
I ended up sick  3 times during my first Boot Camp workout, and my physical strength appeared to limited to a minimal amount of core strength.  I could not even do one quality push up on my knees and I ran at the back with the big girls (who are 10xs as awesome for begin strong enough to get out there, I seriously bow down to you! )  But, my 5'7" (and 1/2) 137 lb self should probably have been able to hang tight at least in the middle of the pack.  My body fat was informally measured at 32%….so, I was pretty much the epitome of the phrase "skinny-fat".   

Well, I survived, eh, completed, a month of boot camp and decided to go for it.  Hubby was a month away from coming home, and I wanted to be able to tell him I was really Crossfitting!  Oh, and I wanted to be healthy too…um, yeah, that's it. Because after 10 years of marriage and 15 years together, a strong and amazing chick such as myself would never do something silly to impress a boy, right?

October 2011
With the help of the same coworker, on 13 October 2011,  I attempted my first WOD at Crossfit 808.   To say it was  scaled WAY down would be an understatement.    I think I did 1/2 the reps, used an 10# wall ball, and the thickest green band to assist on the ring dips….but I didn't throw up, or die.   Barely.  And I didn't quit.    

So, here, on my first WOD board is where my story begins.  I don't profess to know much about anything, other than the fact that impossible is now a term I can't comprehend.   I struggle to no end with the lifts and anything requiring me to send commands to more than one body part in quick succession.  I have a TREMENDOUS amount to learn - and lift.   I still do other workouts, and on a day where I just want to get my heart racing, I may pay a visit to the ever loyal elliptical.   But, I am moving, forward.  

Thanks for reading!