Saturday, August 18, 2012

Abandon ship....(-:

I feel bad for abandoning blogging.  Life is busy...very busy.  I have a lot on my plate for certain, but I haven't given up, or even let up on perusing "Elite".  

Here's just a small attempt to list the gains I've made since my last post.

Double Unders = a pretty solid 15-20+ unbroken consistently.  My jumprope was too short, and for months I've been reminding myself to get a new one, so my success during WODs has been dependent on if I had Charlie's, or could find one at the box that was salvageable.  Not easy.

Squats = 140# back squat.  I would be surprised if I weren't over that were I to try again soon.  Sucky thing is, I weigh somewhere around 140 on any given day.  But not on the day I hit it, lol!  On that day, I was 144.   So, I still can't officially say it's body weight.  Ugh.  Soon though!

Those are the biggies, but the biggest thing for me has been the disappearance of the word impossible.  I think it started with my first toes to bar (at home, after a verbal tutorial from one of the coaches that I work with at school), and was solidified the first time I climbed the rope.  Those are two things that were impossible when I started this adventure.  I looked at them both and thought, never.  I know I'll get stronger and I'll survived the WODs but there will be some things that I always have to modify.  Today, they're do-able.  In a WOD even.  Of course, they both suck - and I have the ripped hands right now to prove it, but they're not impossible.  So now, everything is on the horizon.  Even the very scary muscle up.

Boot Camp is also coming along.  I'm still getting really sick once we get to week 3-4 and the counts go up, but I think it's from over exertion.  Bicep stuff really gets to me, but I'm not giving in to the urge to use a lower band.  I missed week 3 and 4 last month, so we'll see what this months bring.

Okay, that's it for now. Maybe I'll blog again soon.


  1. Blog again soon. And kudos on the progress!!!!!

    1. Wow, I had no idea I actually had a reader! How exciting and motivating!
