Sunday, October 20, 2013

Competition, L1, and an (almost ) Pull Up

Ah....another of my twice a year blogging attempts (-:

Where am I now? and school and more school and kids and blah blah blah have taken over my life and Crossfit has certainly taken a backseat to the things that screw with other people if I don't get them done.

But, there have been some amazing things that have happened since the open.

Namely, the Bomb City Battle.   I'm going to pretend for a minute that I'm not seriously sucking wind during a basic 400 M run, and go back to a happier time and place we'll call July...

Through a fate filled chain of events, I ended up in my hometown for one long weekend this summer.  That weekend also happened to be the Bomb City Battle, a local crossfit competition, which included a scaled division. With my eyes closed, I pushed the register button, ran through the WODs with my coaches, and showed up on game day with minimal expectations.  Don't finish last was my mantra!

Somehow (despite a paltry 5th place finish - but 10 lb PR! on the Clean and Jerk ladder) I ended up on the tall box at the end of the weekend!!

From there, it was all downhill.  I'd like to say that was typed in jest, but I'm currently averaging about 2 WODs a week, with *hopefully* some kind of workouts in between.  Life has taken over, and my time management skills haven't caught up yet.  Soon.

Despite my unsuccessful attempts at staying in the game, I did make time for the L1 Trainer's Course a few weeks ago.   Ideally, I'll get the Kids cert soon, and start getting ideas down for the incorporation of CrossFit and counseling that is always on the back of my mind.  It's just a baby idea right now, but in good time. (-:

Hmm...apparently I have a favorite outfit.

Finally, if you go back to the roots of this blog, there was a single google search that really motivated it's development.   When I first started this game, back in my wee embryonic CrossFitter days, I was really interested in how long it would take me to get better.  Namely, to get a pull up.  Now...I am not quite so invested in that question, maybe because I'm still the box pansy, and I'm not sure I ever won't be.   But I am still working on that pull up. 

This is 2 years of work.  Started on the thick green band.  Actively worked to make it to the thin red, then kipping without a band.  Then, just whatever came up on the WOD board.  Despite my lack of making it to the box, the scale has been dropping and just a few pounds seems to have helped a lot...but there's still that little frog kip at the end.  Hopefully it won't be another year getting that out.  

And that, my loyal reader, is my last 6 months update.  I'd love to say I'll be back again soon, but soon is relative and the to do list is long these days.  

Sunday, April 21, 2013

2013 Open Results

That's me - #993.  The number in parentheses is my score, and the number outside is my place in the region.  The third and best score was a repeat WOD from last year, involving wall balls, double unders, and for some, muscle ups.  It's the score that intrigues me the most, because I thought the wallballs and double-unders were a given for most - though I finished them with a mere 2 seconds left.  The wallballs were probably the first RX ones I've done to depth.
 It's just too easy to cheat squats )-:    The final WOD included some dandy chest to bar pull ups.  Of which I got 2.  I'm okay with that.  I missed 3 due mostly to a rip on my hand.  I imagine that one will come soon. 

So that's where I am now.  I've had a slow few weeks since, with lots of rest days (not intentionally) and a few really good workouts.  So now, where do I go from here.  I'm not one to just do okay on things which is where I'd say I am now.   But, I can't help but wonder how much can I improve in a year?  How do I optimize my growth, or do I just workout and have fun? 

I feel kind of silly thinking I could even get "good" at this, but is it worth a shot? 

Monday, March 4, 2013

5 RX

“It’s a great opportunity for athletes not at that (elite) caliber to muster up the courage to go to that dark place,” he adds. “Normally, we lower the weights or band them up, but now comes the time to have someone stare at the bar for a while. To slow it down and really have to work for eight minutes and try as hard as they can to get their chest to the bar. If they pull it off because the pressure is on, they had to muster up just as much courage as the firebreather.”  Joe DeGain

In preparation for the 2013 Open, we've worked our way through all the 2012 Open WODs.  Every score improved, and ideally I'll post about all of them soon. But for today, I want to focus on 12.5, or something I've heard referred to as a Fran Ladder.  

WOMEN - includes Masters Women up to 54 years old
Complete as many reps as possible in 7 minutes following the rep scheme below:
65 pound Thruster, 3 reps
3 Chest to bar Pull-ups
65 pound Thruster, 6 reps
6 Chest to bar Pull-ups
65 pound Thruster, 9 reps
9 Chest to bar Pull-ups
65 pound Thruster, 12 reps
12 Chest to bar Pull-ups
65 pound Thruster, 15 reps
15 Chest to bar Pull-ups
65 pound Thruster, 18 reps
18 Chest to bar Pull-ups
65 pound Thruster, 21 reps
21 Chest to bar Pull-ups...
This is a timed workout. If you complete the round of 21, go on to 24. If you complete 24, go on to 27, etc.

My score on 12.5 was a resounding 5.  Not rounds, but reps.  5 Reps.  

However, it was 5 more than the 0 I had last year.  And 2 more than I was capable of a month ago.  I set a goal to get a chest to bar pull up by the open, and I was and am still I little shocked to have reached it.  I was even more shocked to get two in a row during the WOD, but that 3rd one evaded me for about 3 minutes of trying.  I wanted 3 because that one c2b meant the next 6 thrusters would count, but it was a no go.  I should have taken my shoes off and heck, maybe even my shirt (-:   So, I went ahead and did chin over bar and made it through the 9 thrusters, but had it been the open, I would have had 5 so I recorded that as my score.  RX.  I'm proud of that 5 but I'd be a little excited to see it show up again this year.  I know I can do the 3.

I set another goal, that isn't going to happen by Wednesday when the first workout is released, but I'm giving myself permission to get it during  the open instead - a handstand pushup.  I've got it with 2 abmats under my head, and *kind of* one with 1 abmat.   

Finally, I am getting a 125# clean.  This week, if the opportunity presents its self.   I saw something in a video that got my attention and I want to see if I can do it.  I'll keep you updated. (-:   

Until then...

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Paleo and kids

I'm a little frustrated right now.  I realized today that you don't ask non- fitness minded people for advice in feeding your children - it just won't work. (-:  As amazing as these awesome women are, assumptions run rampant, especially when you are a crazy crossfitter. 

1st thing, Paleo does not = low carb.  HUGE assumption.  If I'm eating Paleo to lose weight, yeah, I'm going to limit the carbs (which you should if you want the scale to drop no matter HOW you're eating), but for eating Paleo as a lifestyle, I eat a LOT of fruit, nuts, nut flours, baked goods, milk and yogurt (so not so much paleo).  I also use good ole' chemical laden coffeemate in the copious amounts of coffee I consume.  I don't track my food or obsess over what I can and can't have (who had time for that??) but I'm certain I consume as much sugar and carbs as any other normal weight person who pays attention to what they're eating.  I fuel some significant workouts  and stay satisfied.  I also cheat sometimes, because I have genes that allow me to.    But, when I'm buying food for my family, I choose non processed, naturally gluten free food.

2nd thing, my kids don't eat paleo as a rule, but we don't go out of our way to give them food with no value whatsoever.  Fruit roll ups, pop tarts,  buttered microwave popcorn, capri suns, gold fish (even organic!), flavored water.....what's the point?  They are gone in a second, and they don't keep bellies full.  Nuts, Lara Bars, Fruit with nut butters, etc - those keep bellies full and nourish growing bodies.  My kids are SOLID children.  They are built like their dad, and need calories that do something for them. They also play hard -they crossfit and do gymnastics.  They play outside, they ride bikes and scooters, and when their favorite sport seasons come around, they play sports. 

But, they are also kids.  And kids like junk.  And kids feel deprived without it, especially when their friends are all bringing junk to school.  So, when there is junk around, they want it, and they want as much as they can get.    So, what to do?  Where is the balance?  We do give lots of treats - lots of dinners out where they eat whatever they choose, and we tend to have ice cream out  once a week, and Jamba Juice  after a trying "workout".  Overall, they are getting plenty of treats, even if that's not what they find in their afterschool snacks.  But the parts seem to be more than the total in this case.  

Anyway, I just needed to get that out.  Right now, I'm thinking of baking a lot more paleo goodies to offer as snacks - that way they are getting the "junk" they want, but I know it's nutritionally sound, and will keep their bellies full for more than 5 minutes.  I certainly prefer they choose an apple over a paleo cookie but  I don't....(-:

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Chest to Bar!

During our warm up today, we worked the C2B pull up. I was feeling pretty good, did my usual of trying a few and then going to the band. However, though I wasn't getting any closer unassisted, I wasn't really struggling with the band. My coach watched me do a few then asked how many I could do. I know that 10 is kind of the magic number for scaling less, so I guessed 6 or so. Then I tried it and got 10 just fine. It was time to move on so she suggested working on them at home and really stringing them better as opposed to one at a time 10 times. I moved on to the next skill (double under PR with 45!) and had about a minute left at the end to try the C2Bs again.

After one on the bar my coach realizes I was kipping much more aggressively on the band and I attempted the unassisted while picturing myself with the band. Sure enough, chest to bar. (-:

The WOD was Open WOD 11.3
5 minute AMRAP
Squat Clean
Press ( however it works, jerk or thruster okay)

RX was 110, aka my clean 1rm and just under my jerk 1rm. If this had been the open, I'd have pushed for a rep or two. Instead, 18 rnds @ 75#. My legs were shot, between cleans before and yesterday's snatches and row burpee nonsense.

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Helton and the Open

Yep, that's me!  No clue how this is going to go.  I'm to the point where most WODs are just slightly below my 1RM, so I'm hopeful I'll be able to at least participate  in each of the Open WODs.

If I could make few things happen between now and March 6th, I'd like to get a few kipping handstand push ups (right now, I'm on two ab mats - but I think I'm okay kipping with one) and a few chest to bar pull ups.  I'm an inch short.  I think part of it has to do with how far I pull away from the bar, and then have to pull back in, but I'm not certain.  I'm also fairly certain that dropping the extra lbs I've gained lately would help a little too - that's how I got the unassisted pull ups a few months ago.  The 90 day paleo challenge pulled off about 5 lbs, and I was able to make the transition off the band and stay there.  I'm still deciding if it's worth what *might* happen to my barbell stuff. 

I'm trying to work those things a little at home, but a hot date with the GHD machine 3 days ago has rendered me useless at both of my focus areas.  (-:

Today's WOD
"Helton"   39:16
800 M Run
30 Dumbell Squat Cleans (RX=35, I did 25#)
30 Burpees

It was tough, but survivable!  I think the weight was perfect, as I pretty much did 10/5/5/6/4  each time.  Burpees were unbroken but slow the first round, and then kind of the same make up as the cleans.  Running was running.  I "ran", loosely defined as making a running like motion with my feet and arms, even though I'm pretty sure granny passed me with her walker.  Mentally, I was in it, which is good.  Trying to prepare myself for giving 100% and resting only when it's necessary, so I'm practicing some self talk and cheerleading.  We'll see.

This is a boot camp off week.  I'm going to do bicep curls with that stupid blue band anyway.  Because they suck.  And I'd prefer to suck less at them when boot camp starts back.

Sunday, January 6, 2013

This is not a resoution....

Resolutions don't work for me.  I'm more of a do-er when it comes to making changes.  I just start doing, and try to keep doing.   So, today, I'm blogging.  Probably because I need to be working on a presentation I am giving in, oh, 12.5 hours.  Oh, and because I found this the other day:

It's dated December 5-14, 2011.  So, just over a year ago.  My favorite part is that
'overhead squats' is marked through and 'snatch' is written in.  This is because I wasn't sure which was which.  Yeah.  I was such a cute little baby cross fitter. 

I started this blog because I was disappointed that I couldn't find anything showing me how women who started from almost completely inactive progressed.  Then, I was/am horrible about updating, but at least there's a 1 year frame of reference, I guess.

Movement      2011      2012
Clean              60           110
Snatch            35             80
OHSq             25             83
Jerk                65            115
BSq                                145 (finally, body weight!)
Dead             120           173
FSq                                135
Pushups -  knees to a solid 10+ real push ups
PullUps - 10+ unassisted kipping, still no strict though.  Yes.  Over a year later and no strict pull up. 
Double Unders - best ever yesterday!  30-40 unbroken in a Wod, after some substantial work
Wall Balls - Ugh.  I went from an 8 # ball to the 9 ft line, to a 14# ball, but very inconsistent to the 10 foot line, and ugly squats too.  I think I need to just suck up my pride and use the 12 # and master the squat. 
Handstand push ups - I recently got the kip (woohoo) with two abmats.  One abmat, one push up.  I HAVE to have this before the open.  Why?  I don't know, I just feel like I should.  But unless I somehow manage to lose 20 lbs without getting any weaker (or I don't know, dying!) I don't know.  We'll see.
Ring Dips - these are just stupid.  They are pretty much the only thing I go from doing one (with a band) to um, yeah, not happening AT ALL still.  There's no maybe, it's just done.

Diet - Did 90 days paleo.  The physical result in the end was awesome (see pics).  But, I'm a great dieter, not a great lifer.  So, started again a few days ago and we'll see how it goes.  I got to feeling pretty yucky toward the end of the last challenge (I think I wasn't eating enough) so I'm trying to not let that happen again.  

So, there you have it.  An update!  Maybe I'll be more consistent.  Or not.  Who knows?