Where am I now?
Well....work and school and more school and kids and blah blah blah have taken over my life and Crossfit has certainly taken a backseat to the things that screw with other people if I don't get them done.
But, there have been some amazing things that have happened since the open.
Namely, the Bomb City Battle. I'm going to pretend for a minute that I'm not seriously sucking wind during a basic 400 M run, and go back to a happier time and place we'll call July...
Through a fate filled chain of events, I ended up in my hometown for one long weekend this summer. That weekend also happened to be the Bomb City Battle, a local crossfit competition, which included a scaled division. With my eyes closed, I pushed the register button, ran through the WODs with my coaches, and showed up on game day with minimal expectations. Don't finish last was my mantra!
Somehow (despite a paltry 5th place finish - but 10 lb PR! on the Clean
and Jerk ladder) I ended up on the tall box at the end of the weekend!!
From there, it was all downhill. I'd like to say that was typed in jest, but I'm currently averaging about 2 WODs a week, with *hopefully* some kind of workouts in between. Life has taken over, and my time management skills haven't caught up yet. Soon.
Despite my unsuccessful attempts at staying in the game, I did make time for the L1 Trainer's Course a few weeks ago. Ideally, I'll get the Kids cert soon, and start getting ideas down for the incorporation of CrossFit and counseling that is always on the back of my mind. It's just a baby idea right now, but in good time. (-:
Hmm...apparently I have a favorite outfit.
Finally, if you go back to the roots of this blog, there was a single google search that really motivated it's development. When I first started this game, back in my wee embryonic CrossFitter days, I was really interested in how long it would take me to get better. Namely, to get a pull up. Now...I am not quite so invested in that question, maybe because I'm still the box pansy, and I'm not sure I ever won't be. But I am still working on that pull up.
This is 2 years of work. Started on the thick green band. Actively worked to make it to the thin red, then kipping without a band. Then, just whatever came up on the WOD board. Despite my lack of making it to the box, the scale has been dropping and just a few pounds seems to have helped a lot...but there's still that little frog kip at the end. Hopefully it won't be another year getting that out.
And that, my loyal reader, is my last 6 months update. I'd love to say I'll be back again soon, but soon is relative and the to do list is long these days.