If I could make few things happen between now and March 6th, I'd like to get a few kipping handstand push ups (right now, I'm on two ab mats - but I think I'm okay kipping with one) and a few chest to bar pull ups. I'm an inch short. I think part of it has to do with how far I pull away from the bar, and then have to pull back in, but I'm not certain. I'm also fairly certain that dropping the extra lbs I've gained lately would help a little too - that's how I got the unassisted pull ups a few months ago. The 90 day paleo challenge pulled off about 5 lbs, and I was able to make the transition off the band and stay there. I'm still deciding if it's worth what *might* happen to my barbell stuff.
I'm trying to work those things a little at home, but a hot date with the GHD machine 3 days ago has rendered me useless at both of my focus areas. (-:
Today's WOD
"Helton" 39:16
800 M Run
30 Dumbell Squat Cleans (RX=35, I did 25#)
30 Burpees
It was tough, but survivable! I think the weight was perfect, as I pretty much did 10/5/5/6/4 each time. Burpees were unbroken but slow the first round, and then kind of the same make up as the cleans. Running was running. I "ran", loosely defined as making a running like motion with my feet and arms, even though I'm pretty sure granny passed me with her walker. Mentally, I was in it, which is good. Trying to prepare myself for giving 100% and resting only when it's necessary, so I'm practicing some self talk and cheerleading. We'll see.
This is a boot camp off week. I'm going to do bicep curls with that stupid blue band anyway. Because they suck. And I'd prefer to suck less at them when boot camp starts back.
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