Today's WOD:
20-minutes to build a heavy Clean & Jerk. (70 or 75#, can't remember!)
For time:
50 C&J (95/65 lbs.) (45#)But, every minute on the minute 20 Double-Unders. (10 DU)
Finished 26 reps in 10 minutes. 10 minutes was the cap, plus it was time for me to go to work!
Tomorrow is "Weigh In" at Boot Camp....ugh.
Monday, January 30, 2012
Thursday, January 26, 2012
Thursdays are my crash days. After 4 days on, by Thurs night I'm sound asleep in front of Private Practice. But before I crash:
Today's WOD
Boot Camp - Quad intensive. Crouching Tiger/Monkey Bumpers, plus a bunch of other crazy stuff. Bad enough on it's own but when preceeded by...
Yesterday's WOD
Today's WOD:
20-minutes to find a heavy clean. (78#)
7 rounds for time, of:
7 Front Squats (165/110 lbs.) (63#)
7 Chest to Bar Pull-ups (Blue, Blue/Red)
Time - 10:43
Preceeded by...
Tuesday - Boot Camp
Preceeded by...
Monday - "Jackie"
I was at home, so no rower. Used a 12 lb kettlebell to do 100 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls, and used the same weight for the thrusters. Only did 2 rounds, and used green band for pull ups.
Today's WOD:
Three "Jackies"
3 rounds for time, of:
1000m Row
50 Barbell Thrusters (45/33 lbs.) (12#)
30 Pull-ups
Today's WOD
Boot Camp - Quad intensive. Crouching Tiger/Monkey Bumpers, plus a bunch of other crazy stuff. Bad enough on it's own but when preceeded by...
Yesterday's WOD
Today's WOD:
20-minutes to find a heavy clean. (78#)
7 rounds for time, of:
7 Front Squats (165/110 lbs.) (63#)
7 Chest to Bar Pull-ups (Blue, Blue/Red)
Time - 10:43
Preceeded by...
Tuesday - Boot Camp
Preceeded by...
Monday - "Jackie"
I was at home, so no rower. Used a 12 lb kettlebell to do 100 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls, and used the same weight for the thrusters. Only did 2 rounds, and used green band for pull ups.
Today's WOD:
Three "Jackies"
3 rounds for time, of:
1000m Row
50 Barbell Thrusters (45/33 lbs.) (12#)
30 Pull-ups
Saturday, January 21, 2012
Larabar Giveaway!
A friend of mine is having a giveaway on her blog at !
Larabars are a Paleo gals friend, as long as you avoid the cashew/peanut flavors. The first time I tasted them I wasn't in love, but they have certainly grown on me! I once found a box of assorted snack size ones, which was GREAT !
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
Boot Camp today.
It was an "arms" day, and I was pretty proud to pump out 12 full range of motion wide grip push ups. However, after a day of teaching in heels, my legs/hips/back are aching more than my arms! This could be the residual effects of yesterday's Squat intensive WOD, but I'm blaming it on an insanely busy day at work.
I ate pretty well today. Not perfect, okay, well, remembering now that my smoothie this morning turned out HORRIBLE, and I ended up eating 1/2 a bag of skittles for breakfast/lunch, not WELL, but controlled. And that's what I'm going for (-: I've noticed the scale is dropping again, which is great - I have 5 loyal lbs. that like to come along, go away, come along, go away... and I'm moving back in the go away direction, LOL!
It was an "arms" day, and I was pretty proud to pump out 12 full range of motion wide grip push ups. However, after a day of teaching in heels, my legs/hips/back are aching more than my arms! This could be the residual effects of yesterday's Squat intensive WOD, but I'm blaming it on an insanely busy day at work.
I ate pretty well today. Not perfect, okay, well, remembering now that my smoothie this morning turned out HORRIBLE, and I ended up eating 1/2 a bag of skittles for breakfast/lunch, not WELL, but controlled. And that's what I'm going for (-: I've noticed the scale is dropping again, which is great - I have 5 loyal lbs. that like to come along, go away, come along, go away... and I'm moving back in the go away direction, LOL!
Monday, January 16, 2012
Today's WOD
Back Squats 3-3-3-3-3 (95#)
AMRAP in 8 Min:
150 Double Unders (or 300 Singles) (Singles - 290 Unbroken! Rope hit my foot at 290!)
4 Squat Cleans (40#)
8 Burpees
My Score - 3+1 (We only jumped once, then did AMRAP of the SQ and B for the rest of the 8 mins)
3 Rounds, plus one SQ.
(I felt pretty good about this workout, other than being a Burpee pansy, until I looked at Hidalgo, and realized I'd SQed 45# 40 times in that workout for a much longer duration - boo!)
Back Squats 3-3-3-3-3 (95#)
AMRAP in 8 Min:
150 Double Unders (or 300 Singles) (Singles - 290 Unbroken! Rope hit my foot at 290!)
4 Squat Cleans (40#)
8 Burpees
My Score - 3+1 (We only jumped once, then did AMRAP of the SQ and B for the rest of the 8 mins)
3 Rounds, plus one SQ.
(I felt pretty good about this workout, other than being a Burpee pansy, until I looked at Hidalgo, and realized I'd SQed 45# 40 times in that workout for a much longer duration - boo!)
Sunday, January 15, 2012
While the Main Site WOD is calling my name, the 8am workout I have scheduled for tomorrow has me thinking that today is officially a "Rest Day". Instead of working out, I'm surfing. Has to count for something, eh?
Some fabulous things in the world of CrossFit today:
My Awesome Dad at Crossfit AMA in Amarillo, Texas (-:
Will CrossFit Kids make American Kids Smarter?
Our school's PE teacher (only high school, as the younger kids PE on their own) just got her Level 1 cert (on the school's dime!) and works with the CF Kids classes at our box. I'd be willing to have her come by for 30 minutes a day in exchange for 100% pass rate on our Math tests....Hmmmmm.....
The Cogni-gym: From Whiteboard to Chalkboard
Some fabulous things in the world of CrossFit today:
My Awesome Dad at Crossfit AMA in Amarillo, Texas (-:
Will CrossFit Kids make American Kids Smarter?
Our school's PE teacher (only high school, as the younger kids PE on their own) just got her Level 1 cert (on the school's dime!) and works with the CF Kids classes at our box. I'd be willing to have her come by for 30 minutes a day in exchange for 100% pass rate on our Math tests....Hmmmmm.....
The Cogni-gym: From Whiteboard to Chalkboard
Saturday, January 14, 2012
The Sport of Fitness Has Arrived
Love it!
Today was a Rest Day, following 5 days on. I'm feeling fantastic, aside from some bruised knees from HSPUs (handstand push ups) on the box. For those of us who can't get full range of motion in a handstand, using a box jump box to at least get a similar form is the way to go. I ended up spending all week working on arms/shoulders - which is fine, as it kept the soreness at bay!
Today's WOD:
In honor of "Nate"

2 Muscle-ups (Progression - meaning I just practice the overall arm movements - I will probably NEVER get a M.U. - Mr. E is VERY strong, but doesn't have one, so....anyway, I'm only saying this so that I can one day eat my words, LOL)
4 Handstand Push-ups (8, Box, Knees)8 KB Swings (70/53 lbs.) (26#)
Chief Petty Officer Nate Hardy was killed Sunday February 4th during combat operations in Iraq. Nate is survived by his wife, Mindi, and his infant son Parker.
Thursday, January 12, 2012
Boot Camp Round 4 Week 1 Day 2
As much as I love CF, Boot Camp is a whole different beast.
Boot Camp - Legs and Shoulders Day (Green Ripcord Resistance Band 14-20#, ready for the Red with everything but shoulders, just need to remember to get one!)
I am very rarely sore after CF. If I had to guess, I'd say it is because I still have to work so much on technique, that it limits me "weight" wise. Now, that said, I'm clearly getting stronger and I was very much sore after yesterday's workout. But still not the same as BC.
Today was legs and shoulders. We did lots of squats while holding a medicine ball. I went with the 10lb, assuming we were doing these insane bench step ups, but since it ended up being just squats I was a bit bummed I didn't grab a 12. Looking back a couple days, I did 60# overhead The rough part was the shoulder work. Arms at BC on Tuesday, followed by the shoulder intensive work yesterday, then a ton of shoulder work today and it literally hurts to breathe.
But, it hurts so good!
Tomorrow I'm back to CF. Not sure how well off I'll be as it will be my 5th day on, but it's my last week of 3 CF workouts (I only pay for 2 normally, since I have BC, but with BC on break for a few weeks, I went up to 3). Looking forward to it!
As much as I love CF, Boot Camp is a whole different beast.
Boot Camp - Legs and Shoulders Day (Green Ripcord Resistance Band 14-20#, ready for the Red with everything but shoulders, just need to remember to get one!)
I am very rarely sore after CF. If I had to guess, I'd say it is because I still have to work so much on technique, that it limits me "weight" wise. Now, that said, I'm clearly getting stronger and I was very much sore after yesterday's workout. But still not the same as BC.
Today was legs and shoulders. We did lots of squats while holding a medicine ball. I went with the 10lb, assuming we were doing these insane bench step ups, but since it ended up being just squats I was a bit bummed I didn't grab a 12. Looking back a couple days, I did 60# overhead The rough part was the shoulder work. Arms at BC on Tuesday, followed by the shoulder intensive work yesterday, then a ton of shoulder work today and it literally hurts to breathe.
But, it hurts so good!
Tomorrow I'm back to CF. Not sure how well off I'll be as it will be my 5th day on, but it's my last week of 3 CF workouts (I only pay for 2 normally, since I have BC, but with BC on break for a few weeks, I went up to 3). Looking forward to it!
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
Today's WOD:
Shoulder Press 5-5-5-5-5 (40#)
"Pull-up Ladder" (6 +4 BLUE! Meaning, 6 full sets, and I got 4 in the 7th)
With a continuously running clock do one pull-up the first minute, two pull-ups the second minute, three pull-ups the third minute... continuing as long as you are able.
Yep, that's right! For those of you not in the "know", pull ups are this:
The thickest, most supportive band is Black, followed by a Green band, and then this Blue one here. Today, I did our WOD with a BLUE BAND! Not only that, but I convinced one of my box-mates to use blue instead of green also (-: She is a good bit stronger than I am, and a good bit thinner, so I knew if I could do it, she could too, and sure enough she did (-:
Some other new things today - wall climbs! I did my first one RX, meaning nose to the wall. I'll just leave it at that, and pretend the rest were not gradually less and less RX.
Shoulder Press 5-5-5-5-5 (40#)
"Pull-up Ladder" (6 +4 BLUE! Meaning, 6 full sets, and I got 4 in the 7th)
With a continuously running clock do one pull-up the first minute, two pull-ups the second minute, three pull-ups the third minute... continuing as long as you are able.
Yep, that's right! For those of you not in the "know", pull ups are this:
The thickest, most supportive band is Black, followed by a Green band, and then this Blue one here. Today, I did our WOD with a BLUE BAND! Not only that, but I convinced one of my box-mates to use blue instead of green also (-: She is a good bit stronger than I am, and a good bit thinner, so I knew if I could do it, she could too, and sure enough she did (-:
Some other new things today - wall climbs! I did my first one RX, meaning nose to the wall. I'll just leave it at that, and pretend the rest were not gradually less and less RX.
Diet is going pretty sucky. That's all I have to say about that.
Monday, January 9, 2012
I would call this a PR....
Today's WOD:
5 rounds for time, of:
400m Run
30 Box Jumps (24"/20")
30 Wall Balls (20/14 lbs. to 10 ft.) (10# to 9 ft.)
16 November 2011
44:59, 8#, 9'
9 January 2012
33:59, 10#, 9' (Yes, that is 2# heavier, and 11 minutes faster!)
Goal for today - do all box jumps unbroken ---------Goal ACCOMPLISHED! (-: I did not rebound, for safety's sake. I'm just learning to do that, and "Kelly" just isn't the time for practicing, but there were no breaks in Box Jumps. I did get a drink after each run, and break the WBs into sets of 10, with a 10 count rest between. And I did.not.stop.running. No walking, at all. (-: Woot Woot!
Thank goodness for all the horrible Carbs I ate this weekend - and yes, sugar. Lots of energy to fuel my workout....sigh.
Today's WOD:
5 rounds for time, of:
400m Run
30 Box Jumps (24"/20")
30 Wall Balls (20/14 lbs. to 10 ft.) (10# to 9 ft.)
16 November 2011
44:59, 8#, 9'
9 January 2012
33:59, 10#, 9' (Yes, that is 2# heavier, and 11 minutes faster!)
Goal for today - do all box jumps unbroken ---------Goal ACCOMPLISHED! (-: I did not rebound, for safety's sake. I'm just learning to do that, and "Kelly" just isn't the time for practicing, but there were no breaks in Box Jumps. I did get a drink after each run, and break the WBs into sets of 10, with a 10 count rest between. And I did.not.stop.running. No walking, at all. (-: Woot Woot!
Thank goodness for all the horrible Carbs I ate this weekend - and yes, sugar. Lots of energy to fuel my workout....sigh.
Sunday, January 8, 2012
Crockpot Paleo
I'm finding my saving grace these days to be my slow cooker (aka Crockpot). It is chugging away as we "speak" with a version of this Pot Roast . I'll have to let you know how it turns out.
I have also made Salsa Chicken, using a package of chicken legs, a package of chicken thighs and most of a jar of both Tomatillo salsa, and Medium Pace Picante sauce. It turned out really yummy, though it is much better to plan to eat it as shredded chicken because it falls apart coming out of the pot.
I had bought that chicken for Danica's Spicy Shredded Chicken , because I had some sauce left in the freezer, but I ended up just trying to get rid of the jarred stuff instead. I'd expect this on the menu soon though. I think it was one of the first times I've cooked chicken that wasn't boneless skinless whatever....I have a thing against bone in chicken, however, the cost of eating Paleo requires desperate measures!
I made this Machaca Beef after seeing it on Man vs. Food, and it was pretty good. Not stellar, but I didn't have time to let it reduce at the end and I bet that made a huge difference. Next time.
These dishes got me through the week, however, I will confess, the weekend was no holds barred. I was weak - no, I wasn't weak, I just plain didn't even try to do anything other than eat. I'm almost hoping for the same detox process as last week just to teach me a lesson. We'll see. Next weekend, I must have a PLAN. Or, no money to eat out. That would help too.
One thing on the menu for certain is Buffalo Chicken. EVERY single time I get on track, I start to crave Boneless Wings. I make a great Buffalo Chicken Breast, using Franks and coconut oil instead of butter. It really rivals Boneless wings in flavor, but it's just not the same as going out to get some. I'm learning, if I wait until I am wanting something to plan, I will NEVER want anything made at home, so I rely on the slow cooker to help with that. I found this option for Crockpot Buffalo Wings at Civilized Caveman,, and will use coconut oil instead of butter, and let you know how it goes.
I did Spin yesterday for the first time, with my Boot Camp instructor as the leader. It was fun, but not OMG I can't WAIT to go back kind of fun. Tomorrow is Crossfit (woohoo!) and Boot Camp resumes on Tuesday.
I have also made Salsa Chicken, using a package of chicken legs, a package of chicken thighs and most of a jar of both Tomatillo salsa, and Medium Pace Picante sauce. It turned out really yummy, though it is much better to plan to eat it as shredded chicken because it falls apart coming out of the pot.
I had bought that chicken for Danica's Spicy Shredded Chicken , because I had some sauce left in the freezer, but I ended up just trying to get rid of the jarred stuff instead. I'd expect this on the menu soon though. I think it was one of the first times I've cooked chicken that wasn't boneless skinless whatever....I have a thing against bone in chicken, however, the cost of eating Paleo requires desperate measures!
I made this Machaca Beef after seeing it on Man vs. Food, and it was pretty good. Not stellar, but I didn't have time to let it reduce at the end and I bet that made a huge difference. Next time.
These dishes got me through the week, however, I will confess, the weekend was no holds barred. I was weak - no, I wasn't weak, I just plain didn't even try to do anything other than eat. I'm almost hoping for the same detox process as last week just to teach me a lesson. We'll see. Next weekend, I must have a PLAN. Or, no money to eat out. That would help too.
One thing on the menu for certain is Buffalo Chicken. EVERY single time I get on track, I start to crave Boneless Wings. I make a great Buffalo Chicken Breast, using Franks and coconut oil instead of butter. It really rivals Boneless wings in flavor, but it's just not the same as going out to get some. I'm learning, if I wait until I am wanting something to plan, I will NEVER want anything made at home, so I rely on the slow cooker to help with that. I found this option for Crockpot Buffalo Wings at Civilized Caveman,, and will use coconut oil instead of butter, and let you know how it goes.
I did Spin yesterday for the first time, with my Boot Camp instructor as the leader. It was fun, but not OMG I can't WAIT to go back kind of fun. Tomorrow is Crossfit (woohoo!) and Boot Camp resumes on Tuesday.
Friday, January 6, 2012
Artificial Sweeteners
Artificial sweeteners are going to be my downfall! I planned to restrict it to Stevia, in my coffee, but I've pushed it to artificially sweetened coffee flavoring at Starbucks the last couple of days. And now, here I am at almost 6 pm with little inclination to continue this journey - tsk, tsk!
I did make a yummy "Meatzza" for dinner. Some cheese was involved, but I was okay with that "give". Everyone loved it, which is more than I can say for most meats.
No WOD today. This week, with my work schedule, it was hard to fit in the two I made it to! I'll try to get one in tomorrow though. Boot Camp resumes next week! Yay!
Breakfast - Bacon and Broccoli
Snack - Coffee with Heavy Cream, Sugar Free Mocha, and Sugar Free Hazelnut
Lunch - Salad with guacamole and a chicken drumstick
Snack - Same coffee as above
Dinner - Meatzza with veggies, olives, and a salad with ranch. Lots of little slides in this meal, but it was a keeper. Something for "occasionally".
I feel really good today. Cravings yes, and will power is nil, but overall I feel good, and my body shows that I've been doing okay.
I did make a yummy "Meatzza" for dinner. Some cheese was involved, but I was okay with that "give". Everyone loved it, which is more than I can say for most meats.
No WOD today. This week, with my work schedule, it was hard to fit in the two I made it to! I'll try to get one in tomorrow though. Boot Camp resumes next week! Yay!
Breakfast - Bacon and Broccoli
Snack - Coffee with Heavy Cream, Sugar Free Mocha, and Sugar Free Hazelnut
Lunch - Salad with guacamole and a chicken drumstick
Snack - Same coffee as above
Dinner - Meatzza with veggies, olives, and a salad with ranch. Lots of little slides in this meal, but it was a keeper. Something for "occasionally".
I feel really good today. Cravings yes, and will power is nil, but overall I feel good, and my body shows that I've been doing okay.
Thursday, January 5, 2012
Detox Headache - Ugh!
Wowsers. For those of you thinking about detoxing, heads up on the insane headache that comes on around day 3-4. Day 3 kicked me in the head and I spent half the afternoon and all evening in bed. Hence the lack of posts. Day 4 was better, but still the headache, and Day 5 has been fabulous.
I am having strong cravings for things I don't usually love, such as milk. Mmm, and Italian Cappuccinos - from Italy, lol. But those are getting easier to manage.
I have had Iced Coffee with lots of chemicals (Skinny Mocha, Sugar Free Hazlenut) and heavy cream twice now. It seemed to really squelch the cravings, and I might have to let it stay.
Today's WOD:
Overhead Squats 2-2-2-2-2-2 (60#) So excited! I had to stop adding weight because of my arms, as opposed to my squat!!!
5 rounds for time: (5:50, #25 - I have issues with the Snatch movement, and this was what I could do without compromising my form on that portion.)
9 Snatch Grip Deadlifts (135/95 lbs.)
6 Hang Power Snatches (135/95 lbs.)
3 Overhead Squats (135/95 lbs.)
The workout felt great, and I was kind of giddy over the fact that last time I did this, I could barely hold the bar on my back because of lack of muscle, and today there was a clear "shelf". Something good is going on (-:
I am having strong cravings for things I don't usually love, such as milk. Mmm, and Italian Cappuccinos - from Italy, lol. But those are getting easier to manage.
I have had Iced Coffee with lots of chemicals (Skinny Mocha, Sugar Free Hazlenut) and heavy cream twice now. It seemed to really squelch the cravings, and I might have to let it stay.
Today's WOD:
Overhead Squats 2-2-2-2-2-2 (60#) So excited! I had to stop adding weight because of my arms, as opposed to my squat!!!
5 rounds for time: (5:50, #25 - I have issues with the Snatch movement, and this was what I could do without compromising my form on that portion.)
9 Snatch Grip Deadlifts (135/95 lbs.)
6 Hang Power Snatches (135/95 lbs.)
3 Overhead Squats (135/95 lbs.)
The workout felt great, and I was kind of giddy over the fact that last time I did this, I could barely hold the bar on my back because of lack of muscle, and today there was a clear "shelf". Something good is going on (-:
Monday, January 2, 2012
Sugar Detox Day 2 and "Hidalgo"
I'm alive. Sore, but alive. I'm good with this workout, and pretty proud of myself for doing it. Squat Cleans were deep, and though one of my coaches indicated I am doing them as two separate motions, and maybe "bottomed out" and went down a little too far, it was a VAST improvement over last time, using 55#. I know the problem is I'm more comfortable cleaning than squatting (good grief, not a phrase I ever thought I'd say...), which means the weight is light for a clean but heavy for a squat since I'm still so focused on squat technique. I'll work on that.
My run was great, but I did take more breaks, and longer than I hoped while doing lunges. The weight was nothing, but my blood sugar freaked out. It was stop or pass out, and I REALLY wanted to finish.
My conundrum at this point is this: I am finishing WODs pretty quickly, using a weight that is taxing, providing a workout and getting tough the last few reps. However, it's not OMG hard. So I kind of feel like I'm cheating when I finish more quickly than people using heavy weight. So, do I keep doing what I'm doing as long as it's working, or do I push to add heavier lifts?
My run was great, but I did take more breaks, and longer than I hoped while doing lunges. The weight was nothing, but my blood sugar freaked out. It was stop or pass out, and I REALLY wanted to finish.
My conundrum at this point is this: I am finishing WODs pretty quickly, using a weight that is taxing, providing a workout and getting tough the last few reps. However, it's not OMG hard. So I kind of feel like I'm cheating when I finish more quickly than people using heavy weight. So, do I keep doing what I'm doing as long as it's working, or do I push to add heavier lifts?
For time: (57:44)
Run 2 miles
Rest 2 minutes
20 Squat Cleans (135/95 lbs.) (45#)
20 Box Jumps (24/20")
20 Overhead Walking Lunges (45/25 lbs.) (10# - could have done a good bit more)
20 Box Jumps (24/20")
20 Squat Cleans (135/95 lbs.) (45#)
Rest 2 minutes (35min. cap here, you had to be here by 35 min or DNF) (34:15 - it is freaking sadistic to race to finish the first levels of hell just so you can have the opportunity to enter the next)
Run 2 miles
What I Ate Today:
Breakfast - Ham with Zucchini, copious amounts of coffee with Splenda and Coconut Milk
Snack - handful of almonds (smallish)
Lunch - Salad with Guacamole, Rotisserie Chicken, 1/2 Okinawan Sweet Potato with coconut milk, shredded unsweetened coconut and a little coconut oil (Soooo good! Even without sweetener)
PreWod Snack - Carrots in Almond Butter (generous 2 TBS)
Dinner - Rotisserie Chicken, Zucchini, Carrots
I'm drinking a ton of coffee - and Coconut Milk (-: I'm using Stevia now, instead of Splenda, but we need to invest in some decaf, and probably reduce some of the fat in our day to compensate for the Coconut Milk (it's the canned, full fat, yummy stuff!). I drank a ton of water, and resisted the urge to drink a diet coke after my WOD. I REALLY wanted one, which usually means I'm dried I chugged some ice water.
Sugar Detox Day 1
1 January 2012
Today was a no WOD kind of day. Not intentionally, however, I made the mistake of discovering tomorrow’s and the Um, are you kidding me? factor made any notion of a taxing workout vanish. I'm learning quick that Hero WODs suck.
Monday is a “Holiday Schedule” at the box, which means, no regular class times. Instead we sign up for times. This is fine, except, I usually work out in the morning, when very few people are there. When there are a lot of people, things have to be shared. Because I still need to use the training bar (15lbs) on a few lifts, well, maybe most, this isn’t so hot for me. Last time, I ended up completely short changing myself on squats because of this and I didn’t want to do that again. I’ll have to be more vocal this time perhaps, or maybe just try harder.
Also, in my regular class, I’m very much the weakling (said with love and pride that I'm less a weakling every day) and everyone already knows that. It’s not a big deal, and clearly not a deal breaker, as I am signed up, it’s just something that makes me a little aprehensive about going.
As if THIS isn’t enough:
Tomorrow's WOD:
For time:
Run 2 miles
Rest 2 minutes
20 Squat Cleans (135/95 lbs.)
20 Box Jumps (24/20")
20 Overhead Walking Lunges (45/25 lbs.)
20 Box Jumps (24/20")
20 Squat Cleans (135/95 lbs.)
Rest 2 minutes
Run 2 miles
U.S. Army First Lieutenant Daren M. Hidalgo, 24, of Waukesha, Wisconsin, assigned to 3rd Squadron, 2nd Stryker Cavalry Regiment, based in Vilseck, Germany, died on February 20, 2011, in Kandahar province, Afghanistan, from wounds suffered when insurgents attacked his unit with an improvised explosive device. Two weeks prior to his death, he was hit by an earlier improvised explosive device. Despite his injuries, he stayed in country and on patrols rather than return home. He is survived by his father Jorge, mother Andrea, brothers Miles and Jared, and sister Carmen.
What I ate:
Breakfast - Leftover steak from Outback (6oz), broccoli - 1/2 cup because baby e likes to steal bock-ee. Coffee with Splenda, canned Coconut Milk and Cinnamon.
Snack - Coffee with heavy cream, and splenda. (Starbucks with a friend)
Lunch - Chicken Tenders (2), cooked in skillet with bell peppers, and more brocolli.
Snack - Celery with a mix of Almond Butter and Coconut Butter. More than I needed, but Charlie and I were both starving after lunch with the only protein source in the house being fish or tuna fish. It was yummy, filling, fat.
Dinner - Ham 3-4 oz, Pumpkin-Coconut mash (added Honey, but excused it by the fact that this was our “starchy” side dish to go with the ham, as opposed to any kind of dessert), grilled Zucchinni, more Broccoli, but this one was in a fun processed butter sauce because I grabbed the wrong bag at the store.
Dessert - Coffee with splenda and coconut milk.
Clearly some things I could have done better, but not much a trip to the grocery store won’t fix. Coffee consumption went way up, and I only had two bottles of water (total of 48oz).
I will see you guys tomorrow, assuming I survive. I am not scared of the 2 mile run. I’m not even technically scared of the 2 miles before 2 after, though my straight through 5 mile time is 1 hour, and I don’t know if I can make it in the hour we’ll have to do it. It’s the stuff in between! I’ve been really disappointed with my squats. I am much weaker at these than I should be. Is this because I’m not doing it right, because I really am that weak, or because I’m freaking scared of dropping the bar? My previous squat clean was 43/45 #, but I think my squats were really too shallow to count. Today, I’ll be thinking about wanting to finish that second run, and I don’t imagine I’ll be willing to sacrifice too much time on the squat cleans. The clean is great, too light really, but getting over the fear of falling on my behind in that squat is blah.
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