Love it!
Today was a Rest Day, following 5 days on. I'm feeling fantastic, aside from some bruised knees from HSPUs (handstand push ups) on the box. For those of us who can't get full range of motion in a handstand, using a box jump box to at least get a similar form is the way to go. I ended up spending all week working on arms/shoulders - which is fine, as it kept the soreness at bay!
Today's WOD:
In honor of "Nate"

2 Muscle-ups (Progression - meaning I just practice the overall arm movements - I will probably NEVER get a M.U. - Mr. E is VERY strong, but doesn't have one, so....anyway, I'm only saying this so that I can one day eat my words, LOL)
4 Handstand Push-ups (8, Box, Knees)8 KB Swings (70/53 lbs.) (26#)
Chief Petty Officer Nate Hardy was killed Sunday February 4th during combat operations in Iraq. Nate is survived by his wife, Mindi, and his infant son Parker.
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