Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Chest to Bar!

During our warm up today, we worked the C2B pull up. I was feeling pretty good, did my usual of trying a few and then going to the band. However, though I wasn't getting any closer unassisted, I wasn't really struggling with the band. My coach watched me do a few then asked how many I could do. I know that 10 is kind of the magic number for scaling less, so I guessed 6 or so. Then I tried it and got 10 just fine. It was time to move on so she suggested working on them at home and really stringing them better as opposed to one at a time 10 times. I moved on to the next skill (double under PR with 45!) and had about a minute left at the end to try the C2Bs again.

After one on the bar my coach realizes I was kipping much more aggressively on the band and I attempted the unassisted while picturing myself with the band. Sure enough, chest to bar. (-:

The WOD was Open WOD 11.3
5 minute AMRAP
Squat Clean
Press ( however it works, jerk or thruster okay)

RX was 110, aka my clean 1rm and just under my jerk 1rm. If this had been the open, I'd have pushed for a rep or two. Instead, 18 rnds @ 75#. My legs were shot, between cleans before and yesterday's snatches and row burpee nonsense.

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